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Access to Internet Resources
Solano County Library (SCL) is a member of the Solano Partner Libraries & St. Helena consortium (SPLASH). Through this consortium, SCL provides direct, automatic access to library catalogs, databases, and other electronic resources. Customers have free and equitable access to Internet resources.

The Internet
The Internet offers access to a wealth of materials that is personally, professionally and culturally enriching to individuals of all ages. It allows SCL customers the ability to locate information beyond the confines of the Library’s own collection; access to ideas, information and commentary from around the globe. However, it enables access to some material that may be offensive, disturbing, illegal, inaccurate or incomplete. Users are encouraged to evaluate the validity and appropriateness of information accessed via the Internet. SCL does not endorse the viewpoints or vouch for the accuracy of information obtained through the Internet.

The Library’s collection development policy, which governs the selection and purchase of books and other materials for the collection, is not applicable to material accessed electronically. Library customers use the Internet and electronic databases at their own risk. SCL assumes no responsibility and will have no liability for any direct, indirect or consequential damages arising from use of its electronic resources or those obtained via the Internet.

SCL staff identify and display starting points for sites for searches which are appropriate to its mission and service roles.

Filtering software may help block access to objectionable Internet sites. However, the software cannot block out all objectionable sites and it may block sites that have useful information, including sites suitable for children, teens and adults.

Public Internet computers at SCL are equipped with commercial filtering software. The Library’s filtering policy upholds the principles of intellectual freedom, allowing adults to make their own choices regarding filtering. This policy also aims to ensure that our libraries are safe and welcoming places for children and it affirms the right and responsibility of parents to make choices for their own children.

  • Adults (18 years and older) may request unfiltered access on a per session basis.
  • Children and teens (17 years and younger) have filtered Internet access unless their parent or guardian provides permission for unfiltered access.

Children’s Access and Usage
The Library does not have the right or responsibility to act in the place of the parent (in loco parentis). There will be some resources which parents or guardians may feel are inappropriate for their children. Parents or guardians are encouraged to work closely with their children in selecting and using materials and resources that are consistent with their own distinct family and personal viewpoints or values.

While children ages 17 and under have filtered access to the Internet, the Library encourages parents or guardians to supervise their children’s Internet sessions. If you are not familiar with computers and the Internet, we invite you to take a free class at the Library.

Ethical and Acceptable Use
All users of electronic information resources such as the Internet are expected to use these resources in a responsible manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which they are provided. It is unacceptable to use SCL’s computer systems and Internet resources for any purposes which violate the law or SCL policies.
The following is a list of unacceptable uses:

  • Viewing material that violates federal, state or local laws or regulations, including those regarding accessing, viewing, printing and distributing obscenity or child pornography.
  • Sending, receiving, or displaying text or graphics which contain extremes of sex or violence that are an end to themselves.
  • Using computers to gain access to the Library’s network or computer systems or to any other restricted network or computer system.
  • Using computer accounts, access codes, or network identification numbers without authorized permission.
  • Violating copyright laws or licensing agreements pertaining to software, files, and other resources obtained electronically.
  • Violating another user’s privacy.
  • Attempting to alter software configurations or to cause degradation of system performance.
  • Engaging in any activity which is deliberately and maliciously offensive, libelous, or slanderous.
  • Installing or downloading any software.
  • Disrupting or interfering with network users or services. Such interference or disruption includes, but is not limited to: distribution of unsolicited advertising, harassment of others, propagation of computer worms or viruses, randomly initiating interactive electronic communications, and overuse of interactive network utilities.
  • Tampering with, destroying or damaging equipment, software or data belonging to the Library.

Any customer who views an inappropriate site will have his or her library privileges automatically suspended for 30 days. A suspension letter will be mailed to the parents or guardians of children 17 years and younger.

Revised policy approved by the Solano County Board of Supervisors 9/26/06
Initial policy adopted by the Solano County Board of Supervisors 11/5/96



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