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January 11, 2023, Solano County Library migrated to a new computer system/online catalog, Polaris. Please see below for FAQs.

What is Polaris?

Polaris is Solano County Library’s computer system/online catalog. Polaris offers a new, more user-friendly computer experience.

What is my barcode and passcode?

Your barcode is your library card number. Your passcode is the last four digits of your phone number.  You may also change your passcode to any number you like. We strongly encourage you to change your passcode from the default of the last four digits of your phone number.

Student Access Cards (SAC): Please note, your passcode is your birth month/date.

How do I change my passcode?

To change your passcode, go to the online catalog.
You must have an email address on file to reset your passcode. Please call us at 1-866-572-7587 if you need us to add an email address to your account.

  • In the upper right hand corner, log-in with your barcode (library card number) and passcode (your pin or last four of your phone number).
  • After you log-in, click on your name in the upper right hand corner of the page.
  • Your profile will display with the option to edit your profile.
  • After you click edit profile, you will see the option to change your passcode.
  • Change your passcode then click save.

How do I customize my login?

To customize your login, go to the online catalog.

  • In the upper right hand corner, log-in with your barcode (library card number) and passcode (your pin or last four of your phone number).
  • After you log-in, click on your name in the upper right hand corner of the page.
  • Your profile will display with the option to edit your profile.
  • After you click edit profile, fill in the box labeled nickname.
  • Click save to update your profile.

Can I still receive voicemail notifications about my account?

Polaris only allows for text or email notifications about your account. Please log-in and update your information. Or, visit your local library and speak to staff who can help update your account.

Is there still auto-renewal?

Yes! Polaris allows auto-renewal, up to five times, of physical items borrowed from the library. Items will auto-renew as long as hold requests are not placed on the titles.

Can I view my saved lists I created on the old library system?

When we migrated to our new system, we were unable to carry over some information including the saved lists. If you would like a copy of your saved lists, please email us at Staff will send you screenshots of your saved files.

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