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Dixon Library has long served as the repository for photos, documents and other materials about the community of Dixon. Many are original, one-of-a-kind items.

For archival inquiries please contact the library at 1-866-57-ASKUS (1-866-572-7587)

The Dixon Library Archives contain not only historic photographs of the people and places of early Dixon, but also unique records and family histories made accessible through the Online Exhibits.

The Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites and more. In addition to the Elsie M. Caster Oral History Project on our website, you can view more of the Dixon Library’s collection of recordings in video and audio format by visiting the Internet Archive. Digitization of our collection was made possible by the California Audiovisual Preservation Project which preserves California’s audiovisual heritage and allows online access provided by the Internet Archive.

Search Dixon Tribune newspaper archive,

Dixon Tribune “Brevities”

These news items were published in the Dixon Tribune newspaper from the late 1800s to 1950. They were extracted by Historian Ardeth Sievers Reidel in the 1970s from the newspaper microfilm. The “Brevities” are a wealth of information as to what life was like in the first half of the 20th century in Dixon. They list marriages, births, deaths, and news items of local interest of that time era. You can do a search to look for information on your family to see if there was a news item published about them.  The “Brevities” document is a 930-page PDF document; please be patient as it downloads.

A collection of video recordings taken in 1998. These videos provide an oral history of Dixon from long-time residents of the town.

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