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Hours and Locations

Vallejo John F. Kennedy Library
505 Santa Clara Street
Vallejo, CA 94590
1-866-572-7587 (1-866-57-ASKUS)


Holiday Schedule

Meeting Room

The Joseph Room is equipped with a baby grand piano, data drop, and tables and chairs for meeting use. Reservations are taken six months in advance but no more than six times a year. It is available only during the hours the library is open. More…

Study Room

3 group study rooms available on a first come first served basis. If available, group may use a room for at least 2 hours.

Special Collections

Mare Island repository of documents related to clean-up and development of Mare Island after closure of naval base.

Friends of the Library

Small area in library where books, videos, CDs, and DVDs are for sale continuously.

Wireless Printing

Use your personal computer or mobile device to print to the library’s printers from anywhere.

All devices are color printers/copiers with scanning function (can scan to USB flash drive and/or print from USB)

Each branch has one printer/copier that accepts credit cards (Visa, MC, AMEX, Disc), Apple Pay and Android Pay.


Black & white print/copy – 10 cents per page

Color print/copy – 50 cents per page

Scan to USB – free


  • 30 Computers with Microsoft Office suite and Internet access
  • 3 Computers with only library catalog and database access
  • 3 black & white printer/copiers (10 cents per page)
  • 3 color printer/copier (50 cents per page)
  • 1 scanner
  • Wireless Network


  • 2 microform reader-printers (10 cents per page)


Every public computer contains an Accessibility Wizard allowing customization for dexterity, hearing, and visual needs.  The Branch also has an adaptive keyboard and optical trackball available.  Please ask a staff member for more information or assistance.

A postcard depicting the original Vallejo Public Library building, a Carnegie Library that was demolished in 1970.

Branch Head

Mark Flowers, Supervising Librarian

Branch History

The Vallejo John F. Kennedy Library opened its doors to the public on September 10, 1970. Solano County Library operates the library on the second floor of a building owned by the City of Vallejo, across the plaza from City Hall. It was remodeled in 2005 and in 2013 all operations were moved to one floor to improve customer service, expand efficiency, and increase security. The library includes collections for adults, teens and children as well as a story hour room, study rooms and a Friends of the Library bookstore. The library’s meeting space, called the Joseph Room, is located across the lobby. The McCune Collection, given to the City of Vallejo by Donovan McCune, is located on the first floor of the building and includes rare books on California, fine printing, and the art of the book. The Vallejo police evidence room, the Sister City Room and the Fighting Back Partnership, a community support organization, also share the building.

The Makery is a makerspace and so much more!

What is a makerspace?
A place in which people with shared interests, especially in computing or technology, can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. – Oxford English Dictionary The Makery is a makerspace and so much more. The Makery serves as a collaborative community space for people to create, explore, discover, and learn. The Makery will hold activities, crafts, and open hours where customers are free to use the space and equipment how they choose.

The Makery is open to individuals 13 and older (or with a caregiver) Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3pm-7pm, and Fridays from 2pm-4:45pm. Join us for a new STEAM activity each week or work on your own projects. For more information about the Makery’s schedule please see the Events Calendar or call 1-866-572-7587.

The Vallejo John F. Kennedy Library is currently seeking out individuals, who would love to share their creativity and expertise with their community. Please reach out to us via e-mail at or call the library at 1-866-572-7587.

Equipment List
Original Prusa MK4S 3D Printer
• Silhouette Cameo 3 vinyl cutter
• Heat Press
• Digital keyboard
• Electronic Drum Kit
• Green Screen
• Cannon DSLR
• Studio Lights
• Soldering Irons
• Sewing Machines
• Makey Makey kits
• Drawing Tablets
• And more…

Vallejo John F. Kennedy Seed Lending Library

The Vallejo John F. Kennedy Library houses a regularly supplied seed library featuring vegetables, fruit, flowers, and herbs. Baggies and small envelopes are provided. Library users can also donate seeds to the library.

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