Book: How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories
Author: Holly Black
Reviewer: Quinn A., 10th Grade
As the ending of The Folk of the Air series glides readers to the resolution of their momentous journey in the land of Faerie; How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories is a wondrously designed sensation, written by Holly Black, and meticulously illustrated by Rovina Cai–showcasing a deeper glance into Cardan’s backstory, as well as the power sinister storytelling holds on stone hearts. A cruel prince, a wicked king–would never be content with himself without the influential, and sentimentally moving advance of a queen of nothing, or rather–the true queen of Elfhame. And through this delightful fairy tale in high society composed of fairy tales themselves; Black, alongside Cai–draws readers back and forth into the collective realms, discovering to what determinations that a happy ending arrives, and to what dreading devotion it takes–to truly break a worn, stone heart.
5/5 Stars