Book: Chef’s Kiss
Author: Jarrett Melendez (Illustrated by Danica Brine, colored by Hank Jones, and lettered by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou)
Reviewer: Sammi B, 10th Grade
Ben Cook has always loved to read and write, but it’s also been what his parents have wanted him to do as an actual career. He starts to realize this in his adventure of job-hunting after graduating college with an English degree. Since almost ALL of the jobs he interviewed with called for some form of work experience, all of which Ben had none, he falls into this interview at a restaurant at his last attempt of getting a job. The job puts him through a series of challenges to see if Ben can really handle it with his limited experience, besides him enjoying cooking. He begins to learn what he truly wants to do with his life and if writing has anything to do with it.
The group of people that worked on this graphic novel did an incredible job of bringing the concept to life. Something I really liked about this story was how the main character discovered what they wanted their career to be, ignoring outside pressures. Teens who enjoy themes of self-realization will likely appreciate this book.
5/5 Stars