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OverDrive for Kids

ebook and eAudiobook collection
Please note that ebooks and eaudiobooks are not available for download from library computers


ABC Mouse

Interactive books, games, & puzzles

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Tumblebook Library

Tumblebook Library
Story books, audiobooks, puzzles and games.


Read, Watch, and Listen to Books and Book Videos! For grades preK-3.
(remote access)
(in-library access)

Kids Storynory Banner


Audio stories from Prince Bertie the Frog

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LOTE (Languages Other Than English)

LOTE (Languages Other Than English)
Digital picture books for kids to read out loud in more than 40 languages!

School Reading Lists

Many schools sponsor reading programs, which are designed to build interest in reading.  Students read a book, and then take a quiz on the book at school.  There are two main programs, the Accelerated Reader (AR) program and the Reading Counts program.   Following are some schools reading lists that are available online.


Accelerated Reader Book Finder

This website can help parents and students find books in the AR program.  If your school participates in the AR program, please consult your teacher for a specific list of books that your school will quiz students about.


Scholastic - Reading Counts!

An independent reading program for Grades K–12 which combines reading practice and software-based reading assessment. If your school participates in the Reading Counts program, please consult your teacher for a specific list of books that your school will quiz students about.


Kids & Parents

Reading Programs

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