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Pre-K Academy Book List – Recommended Reads

Life Cycles

Growing Frogs by Vivian French

Caterpillar to Butterfly by Laura F. Marsh

Seasons & Weather

The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats

The Turning of the Year by Bill Martin


Mae Among the Stars by Roda Ahmed

I Want To Be An Astronaut by Byron Barton

Earth & Environment

We Are Water Protectors by Carole Lindstrom

My Friend Earth by Patricia MacLachlan

Community & Careers

Career Day by Anne Rockwell

Whose Hands Are These? A Community Helper Guessing Book by Miranda Paul


Machines at Work by Byron Barton

I’m Mighty by Kate McMullan

Friends & Neighbors

It’s Mine by Leo Lionni

Maybe Something Beautiful by F. Isabel Campoy and Theresa Howell

Solano County Library Reading Lists for Pre-Readers and Kindergarteners

Pre-Reader Reading List

Kindergarten Reading List

Solano County Library Ready 4K Texting Service

Ready4K Texting Service

Solano County Library Literacy Services is working with Read4K to bring research-based messaging to families with kids ages 0-9 years. Each week, you will receive 3 texts with fun facts and tips on ways to help your child learn and grow. Ready4K tips build on your daily routines, like getting dressed, bath time, or preparing a meal. You’ll always get messages that match your child’s age.

To sign up, text SCL to 70138 and choose the language you prefer. This is a free service which you can stop at anytime!

For more information, please call the Literacy Office at 707-784-1526 or 1-800-450-7885.

Reading Readiness

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

Solano County Library has partnered with the 1000 Books Foundation to promote reading to children 0-5, and to encourage parent and child bonding through reading. Our goal is to provide a simple, innovative, yet fun approach to establishing early literacy skills. Together, we can help young children gain confidence necessary to become strong readers!

1,000 Books? It sounds like a lot, but you can easily reach the finish line by reading:

  • 20 books/week or 3/day for 1 year
  • 7 books/week or 1/day for 3 years
  • 4 books/week for 5 years

To get started, visit any Solano County Library branch! We will get you a log book and 1,000 Books sticker. Visit the librarian (or information desk) when you finish each page (100 books) and get a special milestone sticker. At 1,000 books earn a free book and keepsake certificate of completion!


Sign Up For A Library Card!

To receive your free library card: Start here!

To register for a permanent library card, you will need to provide:

current picture identification (I.D.)
current address verification

18 and Under
current picture identification (I.D.) or birth certificate
current address verification
signature of a parent or legal guardian. Please read our letter regarding library cards and minors.

Library Card Safety Tips
You are responsible for the items borrowed on your card.

1. Do not let others use your card.
2. Report lost or stolen cards immediately.
3. Lost or stolen cards are replaced at no charge.

Loan Periods
All materials – 21 days

Auto Renewal
The Library will attempt to renew your borrowed item 3 days before the due date. If successful, your item will be extended for 21 days from this date for another loan period. If unsuccessful, the item will retain its original due date.

You may renew early through your online account, in-person, or by calling 1-866-572-7587

Returning Materials
Items checked out from any SPLASH (Solano Partner Libraries & St Helena) Library may be returned to any of its partner libraries. Items may be returned in person or by using any 24 hour bookdrop.


Literacy – Reading Readiness

The Library offers both programs and books to introduce children and their families to the world of learning. We offer a variety of activities to encourage reading for entertainment, inspiration and delight. These include weekly storytimes for the parents and caregivers of infants (0-18 months old), toddlers (18-24 months old) and preschoolers. These storytimes are a total learning experience for children under 5 years of age, their parents and caregivers, offering songs, finger plays, stories, movement activities and crafts. Attendance helps to build essential skills such as introducing the concepts of colors, numbers and shapes and reinforces emerging skills needed to read such as recognition of the alphabet, rhyming and word patterns. We are always adding new programs so check your local branch for what is planned and ask a staff member about what is available at your local library.

Our Families for Literacy (FFL) programs provides early literacy development activities to families of adult learners participating in the Literacy program.

The program is targeted to children ages 0 to 5 and their caregivers. This proactive program will provide the child’s caregiver with the necessary information and skills to promote reading to their child.


Kids & Parents

Reading Programs

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